Owner: Coland Developments CorporationAgent: WSP Canada Inc. (Michaela Abatecola)
Phone: 289-982-4347
Proposed Development
The purpose of the application is to re-zone the subject site from Highway Commercial (HC) zone to Highway Commercial Exception (HC-XX) zone to support residential uses in accordance with the following:
Update the “Apartment Building” definition in Section 2 of the Zoning By-law to permit the mixed-use buildings;
Permit an “Apartment Building” use for Building C and Building D;
Permit a “Child Care Centre”;
Reduce the required minimum non-residential number of parking spaces to 290;
- Permit shared parking amongst all the non-residential land uses and the residential visitor spaces across the site; and,
- Reduce the required minimum number of loading spaces to 3.
The rezoning application would facilitate 2 floors of residential development above the approved 1-storey commercial buildings on Buildings C and D. Building C is proposed to contain a total of 32 units consisting and Building D is proposed to contain a total of 36 units.
An amendment to the existing Site Plan is required to address on-site revisions to facilitate the proposed residential uses, such as pedestrian and traffic circulation, parking, landscaping, amenity area, grading, and drainage.
A concurrent Draft Plan of Condominium Application (CD-T-0123) has also been submitted.
Supporting Documents
Site Plan with Renderings
Building C Elevations
Building D Elevations
The Zoning By-law Amendment was approved by Council on January 10, 2024 as By-law 2024-1.