Where to park in Downtown Midland
There are many parking options within walking distance to some of the best restaurants, shopping experiences, culture, and entertainment in Midland's vibrant downtown core.
View the Downtown Parking map here. Currently, all Downtown Parking is free.
Municipal Parking Lots
There are several Municipal Lots in our downtown core. You can park for free, up to eight hours. There is no overnight parking.
On-Street Convenient Parking
There are many streets downtown where you can park for free, up to two hours. There is no overnight parking.
Midland Harbour Parking Lot
Currently, Midland Harbour parking is free.
Parking By-law and Restrictions
The Traffic By-law and Parking By-law includes information regarding where vehicles can legally stop and park in Midland. Parking overnight on street and in Municipal lots is not permitted from November 15 through April 1.
Looking to pay a parking ticket? Click here.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are there accessible parking spots in Downtown Midland? |
There are 11 Accessible Parking Permit spaces located in the downtown core, 21 spaces located throughout the municipal parking lots, and 6 located at the Town Dock. |
When do the winter parking restrictions start? |
From November 15th to April 1st of each year, our snow removal parking restrictions come into effect. Vehicles parked on any street or in a municipal parking lot are subject to a fine and towed from 12:01 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. |
How long is parking free for? |
Midland's Downtown Parking Program is on hold for 2024 until further notice, based on a decision of Council made at their December 6, 2023, Council Meeting. You can find more information on our News and Notices webpage. |