The Town of Midland Water and Wastewater department oversees sewage and sewage overflows in Midland. We will also report overflow occurrences including the times they occur and the volume of waste involved. Our goal is to notify the public within 12 hours of the occurrence.
Sewer Overflows
What are sewer overflows? |
A sewer overflow is when sewage from the sanitary and combined collection systems overflows to the environment. The majority of sewer overflows that occur in the Town of Midland are due to combined sewers – sewers that collect both sewage and storm water runoff. |
Why not just stop them? |
Wastewater system operators do not have control over when and where overflows happen. Present standard practice is to perform controlled cleaning of the system with specialized equipment. As the ability to bypass secondary treatment prevents damage to the wastewater treatment plants bacteriological processes and equipment. |
What are the solutions? |
The Town of Midland has invested in; an Infiltration and Inflow study (I&I) to better understand where problems exist and, a Master Wastewater Plan (2019). The information created and summarized by these studies will ultimately lead to source control strategies, a financially viable and a preferred path towards sewage overflow reduction. |
Overflow Reports
March 16, 2025 |
On March 16, 2025 Midland’s wastewater collection system experienced an overflow of 2000 m3 due to excessive rainfall and snowmelt. All regulatory reporting requirements have been met. Please note that the overflow waters received basic disinfection and dechlorination. |
April 6, 2023 |
On April 5, 2023 Midland’s wastewater collection system experienced an overflow of 1640.4 cubic meters of highly diluted sewage due to excessive rainfall and snowmelt. All regulatory reporting requirements have been met. Please note that the overflow waters received basic disinfection and dechlorination. View the April 6, 2023 Report. |