Owner: 1489338 Ontario Inc
Agent: MiKo Urban Consulting Inc. (Peter Chee)
Phone: 416-230-6935
Summary of Proposal
The purpose of the application is to rezone the lands to a site-specific exception zone to permit a reduction of the minimum number of required parking spaces and loading spaces. This policy approval would facilitate the development of two stand-alone drive-through restaurants.
Technical Proposal
The effect of the Zoning By-law Amendment is to rezone the lands from the Highway Commercial Zone (HC) to a site-specific exemption zone (HC-XX) in accordance with the following:
- A reduction of the required parking from 346 parking spaces, 4 barrier free parking spaces, and 6 loading spaces, to a parking supply in accordance with Table 1 and as follows:
- 137 Parking Spaces being:
- 47 Standard Spaces (2.8m x 5.8m)
- 6 Parallel Parking Spaces (3.0m x 6.5m)
- 26 Non-standard Existing Parking Spaces
- 58 Tandem Parking Spaces (2.8m x 5.8m)
- 3 Barrier Free Parking Spaces (3.4m x 5.8m)
- 1 Loading Space (4.0m x 21.0m)
- 137 Parking Spaces being:
Supporting Documents
Site PlanPlanning Justification Report
Transportation Impact Study
Functional Servicing Report
First submission received and is under review.
The application has been deemed complete and a public meeting has been scheduled for January 15, 2024 . View the Notice of Public Meeting for more information. A decision is not being made as this time. All comments received as part of the statutory consultation period will be provided to Council and addressed through a recommendation report at a later date.