Media Release
Council approves Midland's 2025 Budget
For Immediate Release
(January 31, 2025, Midland ON) Yesterday, Council approved the Town’s 2025 Budget following three days of deliberations. Staff developed the operating and capital budgets with the guiding principles from Council’s Strategic Plan. The municipal budget provides a balanced approach to investing in critical infrastructure while ensuring fiscal responsibility.
The approved budget represents a 4.54% levy increase with an estimated 3.95% blended rate. For a homeowner this means a monthly increase of $5.42 per month per $100,000 of residential property assessment.
“Council approved the 2025 Budget after Council’s thoughtful collaboration and discussion with staff. Each year Council and staff work together to finalize the annual budgets that address core services for our community, strengthen our infrastructure, and create opportunities for growth, all while keeping affordability in mind,” said Mayor Bill Gordon. “Thank you to staff, my fellow Council members, and to the residents who followed along and shared their feedback.”
The 2025 Budget includes critical investments in priority areas including road work, major building repairs, water, and wastewater projects, and financial support to local community groups.
Approved Tax Supported Budgets
Operating Budget
The approved operating budget is $39 M. The operating budget supports the Town’s operations and services. Approximately $30 M of the operation budget funding will come from property taxes, with $9 M will be from other non-tax revenue like grants, service charges, permit fees, reserves and more. The Provincial Government supports $599,000 of the operating budget through the Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund.
Service enhancements through the approved operating budget includes:
- Enhancing culture and tourism initiatives with a new Event and Marketing Coordinator.
- Ensuring responsible growth management with a new Planner.
- Driving process improvement and efficiencies throughout the organization to support the Digital Transformation program with a new Systems Analyst and a new Business Systems and IT Governance Analyst.
- Ensuring safety of residents and private property with security enhancements at Midland Harbour.
Capital Budget
The approved capital budget includes $66 M in new capital requests (including water and wastewater capital projects), with $29 M of this record investment from grants and donations. The capital budget supports the investment into critical infrastructure and municipal assets, therefore making an impact on asset renewal need in future.
Highlights and projects from the approved capital budget include:
- New splash pad at a location to be determined.
- Extension of water servicing along the Highway 12 and 93 corridor and upgrades to the Town’s wastewater treatment facility.
- Portable generator for the NSSRC, the community’s Emergency Evacuation Centre.
- Additional sidewalk plow machine and sports field mower to improve service delivery.
- Digital transformation of our water and wastewater billing system and other online program offerings.
- New docks and electrical upgrades at Midland Harbour to accommodate larger vessels.
- County Road 93 Secondary Plan Expansion to unlock lands for development.
- Road reconstruction of Yonge Street and resurfacing of Angela Schmidt Foster Road.
Agencies, Boards, and Commissions
Town Council approved the funding support for a total of $2 M to service partners:
- Economic Development Corporation of North Simcoe
- Huronia Airport
- Huronia Museum
- Midland Public Library
- Midland Cultural Centre
- Southern Georgian Bay OPP Detachment Board
- Severn Sound Environmental Association
Approved Rate Supported Water and Wastewater Budget
The 2% water rate increase, and 4% increase wastewater rate increase support the replacement of infrastructure needed to deliver these services. The annual operating cost to provide water and wastewater is approximately $6 M and funded from user rates, not property taxes. The balance of annual funds collected through these rates supports the replacement of infrastructure required to provide clean, safe, drinking water and treat wastewater prior to its release to Georgian Bay to ensure minimal impact on the environment.
In the coming weeks, the public can view the approved 2025 Budget summaries on the Town’s website at