Whereas, multiple sclerosis is a chronic, often disabling neurological disease affecting an estimated 1 in 400 Canadians and approximately 90,000 across the country; and
Whereas, multiple sclerosis symptoms vary widely and may lead to problems with numbness, coordination, vision and speech, as well as extreme fatigue and even paralysis; and
Whereas, there is no known cause of, prevention of, or cure for multiple sclerosis; and
Whereas, annual fundraising events such as the MS Walk, MS Bike, and A & W Canada’s Burgers to Beat MS campaign support programs to enhance the lives of people affected by multiple sclerosis and their families and support MS research in Canada; and
Whereas, since 1948, MS Canada has contributed over $200 million towards MS research; and is grateful for the dedication and commitment of its supporters and volunteers that has made this possible; and
Whereas, together we will find ways to connect and empower the MS community to create positive change and see a world free of multiple sclerosis
Now, therefore, I Bill Gordon, Mayor of the Town of Midland in the Province of Ontario, Canada, do hereby proclaim this month of May 2023 to be MS Awareness Month for MS Canada.