Busking and Performing on Municipal Property
Those interested in busking at a Town of Midland event, or on any Town of Midland/Municipal Property outside of an event or festival, must go through an application and review process. Examples of buskers and performers includes, but is not limited to, musicians, artists, dancers, magicians, living statues, clowns, and puppeteers.
Interested buskers and performers must complete the required application form a minimum of 30 days prior to the event or activity. Any applications received after this time will not be considered or approved. The application will be reviewed based on the quality of the performance/activity, suitability of the activity/how it fits with the event and/or space, and overall variety of performers at an event. The Town of Midland reserves the right to deny an application.
Buskers and performers approved for an event or to perform on Municipal Property will then be directed to complete and submit an application for a licence and pay the associated fee.
Buskers and performers on Municipal Property can accept financial donations from their audience, however they cannot request a specific amount, post signage indicating a specific amount, or solicit for donations. This includes activities such as give aways, for example balloon animals, where parents/guardians can choose to donate, but there will be no fee associated. Performers looking to be paid should apply as an event vendor and pay the appropriate vendor fee.