Owner: 2833373 Ontario IncAgent: Morgan Planning & Development (Jonathan Pauk)
Phone: 705-327-1873
Summary of Proposal
The proposed Official Plan Amendment is to redesignate these lands from ‘Greenlands’ and ‘Natural Heritage’ designations to more appropriate designations that would permit the development of a self-storage and truck rental facility.
The proposed Zoning By-law Amendment is to rezone these lands to permit a ‘Self-Storage Facility, add a definition for ‘Automobile Rental Agency’ to allow truck rentals, and to increase the Maximum Height of a building to 12.5 metres.
Technical Proposal
Official Plan Amendment
The effect of the Official Plan Amendment is to:
- Amend Schedule A – Growth Areas to redesignate the property from ‘Greenlands’ to ‘Strategic Growth Area II’
- Amend Schedule B – Urban Structure to redesignate the property from ‘Greenlands’ to ‘Mixed Use Districts’
- Amend Schedule “C” – Land Use to redesignate the property from ‘Natural Heritage’ and ‘Commercial Corridor’ designation to site-specific ‘Commercial Corridor’
- To add ‘self storage’ as a site-specific permitted use within the Commercial Corridor designation
Zoning By-law Amendment
The effect of the Zoning By-law Amendment is to re-zone the subject lands from Highway Commercial (HC) zone to Highway Commercial Exception (HC-XX) zone in accordance with the following:
- Permit the use of a 'Self-Storage Facility'
- Add a definition of ‘Automobile Rental Agency’ to recognize a truck rental use
- Increase the Maximum Height of a building to 12.5 metres
The applications would provide policy approvals for future use as the U-Haul self-storage and truck rental site.
Supporting Documents
Concept Plan
Planning Justification Report
Renderings and Signage
Transportation Impact Brief
Preliminary Stormwater Management Report
Functional Servicing Report
Environmental Impact Study
Geotechnical Investigation Report
Archaeological Assessment
First submission received and is under review.
The statutory public meeting was held on December 4, 2024 and the public consultation period has now closed. All comments received as part of the statutory consultation period will be provided to Council and addressed through a recommendation report at a later date.