What are Fees and Charges?
The Town passes an annual by-law for user fees and charges. The by-law includes schedules of the Town's municipal fees and charges for services, programs and activities by department. Most municipal services are subsidized from property taxes, however charging user fees allows the Town to reduce the impact on the tax rate while continuing to provide high levels of service to our community.
Separate by-laws are passed for water and wastewater rates, and building fees and administrative charges, also on this page.
How does the Town determine Fees and Charges?
As part of the annual budget process, all user fees are reviewed. This review considers current market conditions, participation rates and other external factors. User rates are then adjusted as necessary to allow for the continued balance of costs between user groups and taxpayers. This helps to protect the long-term financial sustainability of the services and the supporting infrastructure.
2025 Composite Fees and Charges By-law and Schedules (effective March 1, 2025)
- Advertising Fees Schedule
- By-law and Parking Fees Schedule
- Clerks and Legal Fees Schedule
- Engineering Fees Schedule
- Finance Fees Schedule
- Fire and Emergency Services Fees Schedule
- Harbour and Boat Launch Fees Schedule
- NSSRC Fees Schedule
- Planning Fees Schedule
- Public Works Fees Schedule
- Parks and Outdoor Amenities Fees Schedule
- Tourism and Culture Fees Schedule
- Transit Fees Schedule
Building Services By-law 2023-34 and Tables
- By-law 2023-34 Building Permit Fees
- Schedule A Permit Fees and Administration Charges
- Tables 1A to 1E Base Structure Permit Fees
- Tables 2A to 2C Systems and Service Permit Fees
- Tables 3A to 3F Applications and Refunds